Susanne Höhn

Susanne Höhn


In 2001 Susanne began working as legal counsel advising small and medium-sized companies in a German law firm. Since 2007 she worked as legal counsel, in an international context, for a large German financial service provider.

After having been trained and certified by Senior Systemic Facilitators in 2015 Susanne incorporate her professional business experience into the ways of systemic coaching.

Workshop title:  Neonatal reflexes and molecules of emotions as access mode to healing

Basic principles

For the journey of our life nature has provided us with means and resources. We react on life events, on everything that we experience, by perceiving and acting. Only a small part of our emotions and actions are retained within our conscious mind. By our thoughts we are linking our life to a consistent story, the narrative of our life story (Dan P. McAdams). Our of a multitude of events we create our identity and a logical narrative which brings order to our experiences and make sense out of them. Still also the unconscious and often unprocessed intake is continuing to be part of the psychosomatic network of our body (Candace Pert, „Molecules of emotion“). Thereby we can be emotionally deadlocked without knowing the reasons for it. Regardless of the fact that we have tied ourselves down to a certain version of our reality we can relief such unconsciously active feelings as soon as we realize that they do not serve us anymore.

A direct access to the Unconscious can by found in constellations if we use the neonatal reflexes as genetic action and learning program (see Annegret Chucholowski: Furthermore we can ask our internal communication devices, – hormones and neuropeptides – to find out more about ourselves. Thereby we gain insights in an essential part of our Body mind.


The neonatal reflexes are a natural program of determined motion sequences that build the groundwork for a child being able to stand upright in balance once in the second year of its life. In addition to that nature has given us more than 50 chemical messengers (hormones and neurotransmitters) to adapt ourselves to every situation that we have to cope with to survive and to procreate.

Participants of the workshop can contact in the constellation work with both of these aspects of their own resources in order to enrich their life story with new information.

A global topic which will need our attention still in 2021 is the pandemic that is keeping the planet ́s breath for now. If the participants wish to do so we can make as a group a creative and healing contribution to coping with those challenges.

Neonatal reflexes and molecule of emotions as access modes to healing

The neonatal reflexes are a natural program of determined motion sequences that build the groundwork for a child being able to stand upright in balance once in the second year of its life. In addition to that nature has given us more than 50 chemical messengers (hormones and neurotransmitters) to adapt ourselves to every situation […]