(Czech translated to English).
Currently to the actual global situation:
What effect does the coherence of the Heart on system, on relationships, on health? Either Life – Heart moves us healthily or what we call “our traumas” or even “traumas of our ancestors”. How to be in contact with healthy movement, how to distinguish it from movements that lead to survival, illness or death?
Even in the online connection, we can touch and connect with the part that activates the integration of the dissociated parts. We will meet together and experience the healing picture of trauma. This introduction of Consciousness into our parts will bring a healing movement to the whole system (ancestry, nation, continent, race, planet).
It’s not about how large movement happens, it’s about how we open ourselves to the coherence of the Heart, how we open up to the source of our full potential, how we connect with the healing picture.
I am very much looking forward to you from the Czech Republic, to our connection together, at day of my mother’s birthday.