Lilian and Kael

Lilian and Kael


Lilian Werneck and Kael Durante are international constellators therapists certified by ABC Sistemas – Brazilian Association of Constellators, associated with ABRATH – Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapies and ISCA – International Association of Systemic Constellations. Lilian Werneck is a Master in Communication and Sexualities, while Kael Durante is a Specialist in Business Communication, both from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. They graduated in Transgenerational Phenomenological Systemic Family Constellation by the Constelari Institute / Immense Life in Minas Gerais. They operate in Brazil and Portugal through the method developed by them, The Creative Movement of Being, which brings together Family Constellations, Conscious Communication and Systemic Observation.

Workshop Title: LGBTQIA people and the inclusion of sexuality

Sexuality is considered one of the basic needs of human beings. It is a condition not only for the reproduction of human species but also for the quality of human lives, having the World Health Organization legitimized it as one of the pillars to maintaining a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being. However, in many families, communities and societies, it ends up being the target of repression, taboo, fear, violence, and alienation. Throughout their lives, a great number of people have not been able to exercise their sexuality in a healthy way, and this applies especially to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people, as well as to those with a not yet categorized experience of sexuality. In the eyes of Bert Hellinger, systemic exclusions and difficulties of sexual expression within the family may follow from sexual diversity for moral, cultural and religious reasons, this destiny being considered by him as a potential healer for all the system.

The married couple of constellators Kael Durante and Lilian Werneck are LGBTQIA+ people and face this reality in their lives and constellation fields. Based on the Creative Movement of Being, a method developed by them that combine Family Constellations, Conscious Communication and Systemic Observation, they intend to work with LGBTQIA+ people in a healthy and resolute way through individual/group workshop dynamics.

The Workshop will consist in 5 “field movements” for all participants and in a sharing of the constellators’ main observations on the theme and on the constellated clients. Based on current Constellation approaches, they will work to relieve the symptoms of people who intend to accept their sexual orientation and gender identity despite the social prejudices and other everyday challenges. It is important to say: sexual diversity is not a disease, so it is not possible to “cure” the individuals, but make them healthier by completely accepting themselves, and also by living their lives empowered by freely expressing their sexuality.

The main objective of this workshop is, therefore, to share the view that LGBTQIA+ people are an opportunity for a family system to evolve from inclusion and sexuality expression. When they become aware of this, LGBTQIA+people may have more strength to move forward with self-confidence and plenitude in their life choices, recognizing and embracing their own origin and destiny.