Gary Stuart

Gary Stuart


Gary Stuart is a 2-time #1 International bestselling author, Speaker and personal development expert for over 45+ years and a master Constellation healing facilitator of over 22+ years. He’s featured on The Dr. Nandi Show globally for ABC TV.

Workshop title: Quantum Activation: Directed 3 Step Constellations: A spontaneous, non-traditional way to get to the deepest core of any working client’s issue in 10-20 minutes.

There’s no family history reenactment, the facilitator trusts their observations and intuitive impulses. Active facilitation coaching the verbal expression for the Rep. This creates systemic resolution and healthy boundaries for the working client under 20 minutes or less. The client takes a closing bow to the past before turning 180 degrees moving towards the present and future. The facilitator, rep and client close out the 10-20-minute Constellation session with all involved.

The working Client picks their own Subject with Goal then shares Subject and Goal with the facilitator only before picking their Rep. All information is “blindly concealed” from the group until the end of the session.

A releasing Bow and healing statements closes the session. A short group discussion for clarity and deeper insights enhancing the cognitive context for the client their Rep plus attendees.

Step 1. Single Subject, Step 2. Single Goal, Step 3. Single Rep

What I’ve discovered after 21 + years of Constellations is that the “Knowing Field activates” with vocal vibration of verbalized systemic truths to complete the expression of what’s hidden. The energy of the resolution quickly emerges from the working clients Rep. to what needs to be stated or cleared. The Rep is tested spatially to where they are drawn backwards, behind = past and facing forward = present and future.

There is no need for facilitator to have any foreknowledge of the client’s personal history. Using the clients chosen Subject with an intentionally positive Goal along with a Rep or maybe 2 at most is sufficient. Of course, the facilitator’s responsibility is to tune into what’s energetically necessary which will address Ancestral lineage in Real time plus concise closing healing statements.

It’s quite different than the normal passive Constellation facilitation. Where trial and error can add endless generational Reps or dead Reps’ laying on the floor to slowly get the bigger picture. When the Constellation facilitator verbally states what needs to be expressed while following the systemic principles like hierarchy or whatever presents itself is of the utmost importance.

I always have stated for over 2 decades the “Knowing Field” doesn’t mess around. The facilitator takes charge with courage and an open compassionate heart plus sensitivity with intimate awareness is most of what’s needed. The Ancestors and even a single rep can quickly give us all the information needed. Directed Constellations “cut to the chase” for a faster and deeper resolution in a shorter period of time. In some cases, many Clients were shocked at what randomly came through so quickly. Reading the Rep’s body language is imperative and tuning into the larger fields energetic backstory is too. The Rep always knows when a “core truth” is verbalized which allows physical or emotional somatic symptoms’ instantly disappear.

We always end with a working client bow (to the past) with a healing statement or a support request. This is followed by a short supportive group discussion for added impact and insights gained by the collective attendees all in under 20 minutes.

Quantum Activation: Directed 3 step Constellations.

There’s no family history reenactment, the facilitator trusts their observations and intuitive impulses. Active facilitation coaching the verbal expression for the Rep. This creates systemic resolution and healthy boundaries for the working client under 20 minutes or less. The client takes a closing bow to the past before turning 180 degrees moving towards the present […]