Christine Huss-Doliana

Christine Huss-Doliana

Italy / Germany

Christine Huß-Doliana is a Teaching Therapist DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations), Body Psychotherapist, Systemic Family Constellation Facilitator and Systemic Coach in many European Countries

Workshop title:  Belonging – the interrupted movement to loved ones.



In my 34 years experience as a Body Psychotherapist and in my over 20 years experience as a Systemic Facilitator I worked a lot with the Interrupted Movement to Loved Ones. I have found my own way to integrate some very important approaches and methods. So I could help people also with very serious symptoms.

Causes and backgrounds of the Interrupted Movement.

How to work with the Interrupted Movement, Effects, Symptoms, Possibilities, Indications – Contra-indications and Emergency Interventions.

First abortion trial

Lost twin

Birth Trauma

Loss of a twin

Separation after birth

Separation from one or both caregivers

Effects – Symptoms

Lack of belonging

Feeling of exclusion



Fears of relationship

Problems in relationship and partnership

Disease Symptoms

Possibilities to work with the Interrupted Movement

Reconciliation work according to Prekob / Hellinger

Mix of reconciliation and birth work

Mix of Family Constellation and Bodywork with the Interrupted Movement

The 3 exercises of David Schnarch

My developed Trauma Constellations with the Internal Family System (IFS)

My specially developed work with horses as a representative

Case studies from practice, (I. B., M. D., G. Stuttgart)

Indications – Contraindications to work with the Interrupted Movement.

What should you do and know about contra-indications.

Emergency Interventions according to Gerda Boyesen



Eye contact

Trivial and Dramatic Level

Knowledge of the character structures

Aftercare after the Workshop

Belonging – the Interrupted Reaching out Movement to Loved Ones.

  In my 34 years experience as a Body Psychotherapist and in my over 20 years experience as a Systemic Facilitator I worked a lot with the Interrupted Movement to Loved Ones. I have found my own way to integrate some very important approaches and methods. So I could help people also with very serious […]